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Dear Principal and Teachers:

Thank you for your interest in They Made It…So Can I, The 5th Grade Speakers Series.  Do you remember someone saying something inspiring to you that you never forgot? Many of these positive motivating comments have stayed with us all and helped us to accomplish our lifelong passions and goals. 

They Made It…So Can I, The 5th Grade Speakers Series creates timeless memories of success stories through diverse speaker presentations so that 5th graders will carry the seeds of empowerment to middle school and beyond, always believing if 'They Made It…So Can I'.

Five to ten speakers will visit your entire 5th grade class from September, 2022 through June, 2023. Often times we will split the boys and girls giving them individual speakers. If there are specific classroom themes or areas of interest we will attempt to seek the appropriate speakers for your students. 

A writing expression contest is held each May. Students answer the question who was your most memorable speaker and why. An optional learning excursion is available to visit an urban farm, business, and a college, a non-profit or other appropriate venue. All transportation costs, chaperones and permission slips will be the responsibility of the school.  We look forward to inspiring your students with the real life stories of our speakers. 

Next Steps: 

  1. Review the booklet 

  2. Initial Meeting with Principal and Teachers

  3. Please provide the following documents. 


       -Principal/Teacher Survey
       -Student Fall Survey
       -Media Release Form

Please mail to: They Made It….So Can I, P.O. Box 260906, Mattapan, MA 02126

Please contact, Patricia E. Spence at 617-680-5378 or at with additional questions. The program commences upon completion of the above steps.

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